Tuesday, May 23, 2006

In stores everywhere, June.6. 2006, "Lttle Omeny" from "Nicademus Toy's Inc." the creators of "Hell-o Demon".

With every "Little Omeny" purchaase receive a Free ticket to the great family movie "The Omen".

Be sure to pick up yours today quanities are limited.

your robotic friend tacbot89

Saturday, May 13, 2006

From the darkest corners of the Rosevile Insane Asylum appears the asylum's most dark disturding & dangerous spirit "Daniel". He was sent there after he killed his father for hurting his mother, he was 7 years old, that was 1972. Ten yeans later there was a riot , he was shot in head for trying to escape as the building caught fire. The asylum was closed down not to long after that incident. Now he haunts the halls of the asylum. So, if you ever visit rosevile insane asylum remember be on your best behavior or answer to him and if you were wondering about the gray part on his skin that where they injected poison into him.

your robotic friend tacbot89.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

What the hell is that thing!!!. Oh, hello there, I am just your average nightmare come true!!

I drew him with my red double pointed art pen. And some earth colored "Sharpy" pens. I put in the 2 pentagrams with a ball point pen.

your robotic friend tacbot89

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Just a little demon I doodled with some new "Sharpy Markers", I got from the store and it looks eerily similar to a certain kitty. I might make it a t-shirt. So, look for it so at "www.cafepress./tacbot

Hope you like it,
Your robotic friend tacbot89